Image Submission Guidelines for Suppliers

Thank you for your willingness to provide images for use on our website and social media platforms. To ensure a consistent and professional appearance across all our channels, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines when submitting images:

1. Image Quality:

  • Images must be high-resolution and professionally captured. Blurry, pixelated, or low-quality images will not be accepted.

  • The preferred file formats are JPEG or PNG.

  • Minimum resolution: 1920x1080 pixels for website use; 1080x1080 pixels for social media use.

  • Please do not submit images taken from a mobile phone.

2. Subject Matter:

  • Images should accurately represent the products or services provided.

  • Avoid including any offensive, inappropriate, or controversial content in the images.

3. Background and Composition:

  • Ensure a clean and clutter-free background that allows the product or subject to stand out.

  • Images should be well-composed, with proper framing and lighting.

  • Avoid distracting elements in the background.

4. Consistency:

  • If providing multiple images of the same product or service, ensure consistency in lighting, angle, and background.

  • Maintain consistency with our brand colours and aesthetics whenever possible.

5. Permission and Rights:

  • Ensure that you have the necessary rights and permissions to use and share the images provided.

  • If the images include identifiable individuals, ensure that you have obtained their consent for their image to be used.

6. Watermarks and Logos:

  • Do not include watermarks or logos on the images unless they are part of the product or service being promoted.

  • If applicable, ensure that any branding elements are subtle and do not detract from the main subject of the image.

  • We do not accept flyers with heavy text.

7. Logo Submission:

  • Logos should be provided as separate files in high-resolution PNG format with transparent backgrounds are acceptable.

  • Avoid submitting logos embedded within other images or documents.

8. File Naming:

  • Please name your files descriptively and logically to facilitate easy identification and organisation.

  • Avoid using special characters or spaces in file names.

9. Submission Process:

  • Submit images via email or through our designated file-sharing platform wetransfer.

  • Provide a brief description or context for each image, including any relevant details or specifications.

10. Timeliness:

  • Submit images in a timely manner to meet our publishing deadlines.

  • Notify us in advance if there are any delays or issues with image submissions.

In cases where you are not able to provide sufficient quality images, at our discretion we will use stock images that represent your business category.

By adhering to these guidelines, you help ensure that the images presented on our website and social media reflect the quality and professionalism of our brand. We appreciate your cooperation and contribution to our visual content.

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding these guidelines, please don't hesitate to contact us on